Saturday, September 29, 2012


I've seen it happen. Never thought it could happen to me. But I knew when I accepted the position there was the possibility. Part of this is due to my not getting a procedure in writing. Check- that will not happen again. Also if verbal affirmations are taken always document the conversations. Check. The great thing is that I have the opportunity to correct my mistake to uphold my integrity. As I sat in my leadership training class I knew I had to speak my word and if it didn't work I knew I would document and keep that one in my pocket. It would go something like this. "Yes, sir, I admit it. You got me that time. But I will not let that happen again." This was in case I was too late in making the correction. I was at the ready already looking to the future. First, I knew I had to be absolutely sure I was right. I actually hoped I would be able to find that I was wrong and make the mental note and gasp a big whew. But nope. I found out that I had been taken, My words twisted into a false truth. Quotes? The appearance of an approval? I was forced to reckon with realization. Alright, it's time to fight. I was preparing to do this alone but glad I didn't. I discovered political decisions can be made as quickly as changing a pair of socks. If they match your attire for the day they will Be accepted and worn. Politics can work in your favor though. One must be eloquent in doing so and it is a challenge. I am not sure of the outcome but hope I was able to provide some sort of insight of a true leader. One who cares about others and cares more about the big picture, not just because there are regulations. The easier way would have been to just let it go and keep it in my pocket.

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