Monday, February 16, 2009


Oh my goodness. Last night we were leaving from our really good friends' house (after some dang good fixins) and I saw the most horrible sight. I know it happens everyday but I witnessed it...and my heart just broke.
We pulled down our street and this car was flying down our road. It is a small road and no one should go that fast. And, somehow, a possom became the poor little victim of road kill. I saw it happen and I screamed when I saw it.
We pulled into the carport and I immediately walked to the edge of the drive way. He wasn't moving and as I watched his lifeless little body, I saw his little friend walk up and stiff him. I felt so badly for that little ugly creature. He had lost his companion.
Ironically we had venison for dinner....hmmmm.


Dana said...

It is never pleasant when you see something like that happen. It makes you a little sick to your stomach!!

random mama thoughts said...

I know. That poor little creature.

The Longnecker Zoo said...

Gross. I witnessed my grandparents dog get hit. One of the worst things to see. I am sorry you saw that.